The science fiction film “I, Robot” from 2004 is set in Chicago in the year 2035. There are several futuristic skyscrapers in the city, including the highest one, which is owned by US Robotics. The film’s main focus is the discovery of the top robot designer of U.S. Robotics dead in the building’s foyer. Del Spooner (Will Smith), the investigator in charge of this particular investigation believes that the death could have been brought on by a robot, which goes against the three rules of robotics that are designed to protect robots from hurting people.
Despite exploring these complex themes, some reviewers thought the film’s handling of the subject was ultimately unremarkable. According to one IMDb critic, despite its call for tolerance, which was handled better in “Bicentennial Man,” “I, Robot” fails to innovate in the robots-on-the-prowl genre. Others, however, commended the film’s skill in juggling action and suspense with its thematic material. In a Roger Ebert review, the film was described as “less ambitious than ‘Blade Runner’ but more coherent than ‘Artificial Intelligence: A.I.’”.
The idea of technology advancing to the point that it can compete with human talents is explored in the film. The robots in the film are portrayed as being extremely clever and capable of doing difficult jobs, but they are also shown to have the potential to be harmful if not programmed and managed correctly. This raises concerns about the hazards of leaning too heavily on technology as well as the morality of developing machines that may eventually replace human labour.
Overall, “I, Robot” presents a fascinating examination of the potential effects of cutting-edge technology while also providing an enormous amount of tension and action. In my opinion, I look at this film as being one of the ones. It is an older film that is able to project concerns in the future and be accurate since it does parallel what’s going on today with the emergence of AI. I highly recommend rewatching now under this new real-world experience with extremely advanced technology.